Sunday, September 13, 2015

It's my blog and I can write if I want to...

"Why is she still writing about me?" Mr. White asked our mutual friend.
She had gotten behind on the blog, so she was unsure what he was referring to. Now, as my loyal followers know, I have gotten behind on the blog, myself. The only thing I had written about him was that I hadn't heard any more out of him since he left for Spain. And, of course, now I'm writing about the cowardice when a man asks another female rather than go to the woman in question. However, I don't care. I actually find it rather humorous.

The thought crossed my mind to continue writing about him as though he was still a player in my little game. I decided against that. As enticing as it was to pursue something with this enigma of a man, I couldn't be the other woman. Not after being cheated on for the better part of the past 18 months. If you feel the need to be with other women- leave the one you're with.

My mind would still go back to being pinned against his SUV in that parking lot... my keys gripped tightly in my hand with the lower half of his body pressed close against my own... my hair pulled back tight in his fist... his tongue tracing the outline of my lips...

I couldn't... I wouldn't.

And I had been distracted anyway. Clooney had taken over my mind and was ready to do the same to my body. He came home and was ready to "watch Netflix and chill"... I was ready.

I had not actually slept with anyone since the Ex's friend, so I felt I needed that release of "tension", so to speak. My friends/readers were ready, as well. But by this time, there was someone...

And it happened.


The one thing my readers begged of me to not let happen.

DO NOT GET FEELINGS FOR ANYONE, they would plead with me.

"What will happen to the blog?" they asked.

The blog will stay. Don't worry about that.

I'm crazy about this man in my life, but this blog is still my life online.

And if the past week is any indication of the future of this blog... it's only going to get better.


  1. Honestly, you could write about the click clack of your keyboard and I would find it interesting.
